A pythonic full-text search

How to implement full-text search using only Django and PostgreSQL.

Paolo Melchiorre

Django PostgreSQL Use Case Web

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A full-text search on a website is the best way to make its contents easily accessible to users because it returns better results and is in fact used in online search engines or social networks.

The implementation of full-text search can be complex and many adopt the strategy of using dedicated search engines in addition to the database, but in most cases this strategy turns out to be a big problem of architecture and performance.

In this talk we'll see a pythonic way to implement full-text search on a website using only Django and PostgreSQL, taking advantage of all the innovations introduced in latest years, and we'll analyse the problems of using additional search engines with examples deriving from my experience (e.g. djangoproject.com or readthedocs.org).

Through this talk you can learn how to add a full-text search on your website, if it's based on Django and PostgreSQL, or you can learn how to update the search function of your website if you use other search engines.

More info on https://www.paulox.net/2020/07/23/europython-2020/

Type: Talk (30 mins); Python level: Beginner; Domain level: Beginner

Paolo Melchiorre


I'm a Python developer who contributes to the Django project and gives talks at tech conferences. I've been a GNU/Linux user since 2000 and I use and promote Free Software. I have a degree in Computer Science and currently I work remotely, in Pescara (Italy), for 20tab as CTO.