Building smarter solutions with no expertise in machine learning

Laurent PICARD

Computer Vision Human-Machine-Interaction Machine-Learning Natural Language Processing Public Cloud (AWS/Google/...)

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ML? API? AutoML? Python is the language of choice to solve problems with machine learning, but what can we build in only a few hours or days and without any expertise? In this session, we'll see how to benefit from existing ML models and how to create a custom model with AutoML techniques. We’ll also be active players of a live demo, so don't put your smartphone on airplane mode!

Type: Talk (45 mins); Python level: Beginner; Domain level: Beginner

Laurent PICARD


Laurent is a developer passionate about software, hardware, science, and everything shaping the future. He works for Google Cloud where he enjoys exploring and sharing what's possible. In a prior life, he pioneered the ebook industry, co-created the 1st European ebook reader, and co-founded Bookeen.