Creating an inclusive team culture in times of change

Yenny Cheung

Communication Community Diversity Management

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What can we do as technical leaders to make sure everyone feels accepted and build a supportive team culture during the turbulent times? This talk shares concrete steps that we can take to lead by example, and navigate our team through crisis:

Prioritizing Safety & Self-care
Revisit our Expectations
Effective Communication
Lead Inclusive Meetings
Check our Biases

Type: Talk (30 mins); Python level: Beginner; Domain level: Beginner

Yenny Cheung


Originally from Hong Kong, Yenny is an engineering manager at Yelp. She leads the Women in Engineering Group at Yelp in Germany and she is an experienced ally workshop facilitator. Yenny is a keynote speaker on engineering culture and public speaking. She recently spoke at Open Expo, the Grace Hopper Conference, and the European Women in Tech Conference.