How to Avoid Becoming a 10x Engineer

Why you should ignore advice by random internet people, by a random internet person

Ivana Kellyerova

Best Practice Programming The Answer to Life the Universe and Everything Else

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The internet has never failed at being, among other things, a giant treasure of unsolicited advice by random people on all sorts of things, programming being no exception. Wanna become a better coder? Learn to maximize your WPM (c). Never look at documentation because that's just embarrassing. And for crying out loud, change your screen background to black!

So there you are, a fairly okay programmer, looking for ways to become better at coding. How do you achieve that? Well I'm no 10x engineer myself (thank goodness), but I do believe that there's a handful of things we can safely rule out.

Type: Talk (30 mins); Python level: Beginner; Domain level: Beginner

Ivana Kellyerova


I'm a backend developer building web services with aiohttp. When I'm not coding I can usually be found painting mugs or playing indie games of varying obscurity. Usually not at the same time.