Your Name Is Invalid!

Names of people cannot be invalid. Your app shouldn't.

Miroslav Šedivý

Diversity Internationalization Natural Language Processing The Answer to Life the Universe and Everything Else failures/mistakes

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People have names. Most people do. People have first names and last names. Many people do. People have any sorts of names that often don't fit fixed fields in the forms. These names may contain letters, accented letters, and other characters, that may cause problems to your code depending on the encoding you use. They may look differently in uppercase and lowercase, or may not be case foldable at all. Searching and sorting these names may be tricky too. And if you design an application, web form, and/or database dealing with personal names, you'll have to take that into account.

This talk is not about GDPR, but will help you to use the best tools to handle encoding and locales in Python and prevent your application from appearing in my talk and in uxfails memes.

Type: Talk (30 mins); Python level: Beginner; Domain level: Beginner

Miroslav Šedivý

solute GmbH

Born in Czechoslovakia, studied in France, living in Germany. Languages enthusiast and hjkl juggler. Using Python to get you the lowest prices online. I like to discuss the human stuff in the IT: how humans write in their languages, how they measure time and fiddle with time zones, and how they can teach the computers to do the boring stuff for them.