Chat System

In order to facilitate attendee communication, we will use a Discord based chat system with dedicated chat channels.

EuroPython 2020 Discord Server

During the conference, we will be using a dedicated EuroPython 2020 Discord server.

EuroPython 2020 Discord Invite Link

Please do not share this link broadly, since we would like to avoid being spammed. Thanks.

Joining the server will allow you to access all relevant channels used for the online event. In order to register, you will need a conference ticket. See below for instructions on how to register on the server.

You can join using the browser or the Discord client. All you have to do is enter a user name under which people can recognize you and register an account with your email address.

One channel per track

In order to attendees to communicate during sessions, make comments or answer direct speaker questions, we will have a separate channel per talk, helpdesk and poster track.

The builtin Zoom chat of Zoom webinars and rooms will not be available, since this cannot be moderated and also has issues with persistence.

Registration and Hallway

Registration for the conference will happen in the registration desk channel, which is visible to all new attendees joining the server. After registration, you will be promoted to a conference attendee (or speaker) and the full set of channels will become available to you.

To encourage attendee interaction, we will have a hallway channel where people can start discussions. For more specific topics, you can ask a moderator to create an attendee topic channel.

Breakout rooms

In order to facilitate discussions after a talk, we will have breakout channels for talk topics. These will be created by the moderators and then allow direct discussions with the speakers after a talk, or even later during the conference, if the speaker is around.

To interact with sponsors using chat, we will also have sponsor channels available.

Please stop by those rooms and say hi! We rely a lot on our sponsors to make the event happen. Some of them may even have some digital swag available for you to pick up.

Depending on sponsor level, the sponsor channels will be linked to sponsor Zoom rooms, where sponsors can then present demos, provide training sessions or run games, etc.


Joining the Discord server is possible via any Chromium based browser.

You can also download the Discord client application for added functionality, but this requires setting up a Discord account:

Here's a short introduction to our Discord server, by Jason McDonald from our media workgroup:

Discord Server Registration

In order to use the server, you will have to follow the invite link we have emailed you as part of the ordering process or shortly before the conference.

Please read through the welcome message and then proceed to the #registration-desk channel. In order to register, please provide our registration bot with these details, so it can turn you into an attendee:

!register full name, ticket-id-without-hash-sign


!register Joe Attendee, 1234

For the bot to recognize your name, it is important to use the same format as shown in your account in the top right of the browser window:

User account name - pasted image 0.png

You can find your ticket ID in the user panel under "Tickets". Please enter the ID without the "#":

Ticket ID - 2020-07-16 12_19_22-User's Panel — EuroPython 2020 Online · 23-26 July 2020 - Iridium.png

After registration, the #registration-desk channel will disappear and the bot will promote you to an attendee, which causes additional categories and channels will then become visible.

In case you run into a problem, please ask an organizer for help by mentioning @registration, e.g.

Hello @registration, I have a problem with my registration. Could you please help? Thanks.